Rhabdomyosarcoma: Fighting Childhood Cancer
UPDATE: It is with a heavy heart that I notify our donors that our little boy in Nigeria with Rhabdomyosarcoma: Fighting Childhood Cancer...

Medical & Vision Care Given to 1,200 Patients in Ghana
1,200 patients were offered and received free medical and vision care. The areas served included N'gani (witches village), Ekotsi and...

Boot Out Ebola
A Charity Golf Tournament held Monday, September 22, 2014 raised $12,250 for Sierra Leone Ebola Clinic. We want to personally thank each...

2014 Guerrero, Mexico - Cataract (Surgical) Eye, Medical and Dental Team
Rotary International Eye Surgery & Education Center, State of Chihuahua 800 vision patients + 300 successful cataract surgeries + 76...

Donations Made to Women's Center in Kono, Koidu
SUCCESS! World Missions Possible recently shipped a 20-foot container packed with equipment and medications, including an ultrasound,...

$20k Donation Received for Sierra Leone Medical Outreach
A special thank you to Clear Lake Regional Medical Center's Executive Committee, which recently donated $20,000 to World Missions...

Superheroes in Scrubs Host Homeless/Indigent Vision & Medical Care Outreach
My "SUPERHEROES IN SCRUBS" from our August 28, 2012, Houston homeless/indigent vision and medical care outreach. All services for 91...

Medical & Vision Clinics a Success in Sierra Leone!
We had a very successful trip for our first medical and eye outreach to Kono, KoiduTown, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Staff at Wellbodi...

1100+ Patients in Ghana Provided FREE Medical Care
1,105 patients were offered and received free medical care, vision screening and eyeglasses. The areas served included N'gani (witches...

WMP Serves 600 Medical Patients for FREE in Ghana
Some 600 patients were offered and received free medical care. The areas served included N'gani (witch's village), Ekotsi and Bogyano....