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$20k Donation Received for Sierra Leone Medical Outreach

A special thank you to Clear Lake Regional Medical Center's Executive Committee, which recently donated $20,000 to World Missions Possible's Sierra Leone 2012 & 2013 Medical Outreach.

The funds contributed by the Medical Executive Committee will be used for an upcoming trip to Sierra Leone, West Africa. With a population of approximately 6 million, Sierra Leone endured an 11-year civil war that resulted in the mutilation of thousands of men, women and children by Rebels of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in an attempt to terrify people into supporting the rebels.

"This wonderful donation from the CLRMC medical staff is critical in helping us bring life-saving care to this healing nation. The staff's generous funding will bring in medication and personnel to combat the current deadly Cholera epidemic that has killed 200 and sickened over 12,000 people already," said Roxane Richter, WMP President.

The medical team of World Missions Possible will be providing numerous services on the trip to Sierra Leone this year, including medication , equipment and treatment for Cholera victims, as well as the critical training of medical staff in adult and pediatric resuscitation and life support, ultrasound and trauma care training, and free vision care.

Dr. Thomas Flowers, the organization’s Medical Director, added that the donation from the medical staff would be used to purchase supplies like antibiotics, surgical instruments, splinting material, sterilization containers, medications, laryngoscopes, intubation sets, vital sign monitors and much more.


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